Tuesday 22 January 2013

characterisation grease

Patty Simcox

The character i am playing is patty Simcox and although when i first got the character; well 

lets just say it wasn't my first choice. After reading the script properly I realised that i wasn't 

quite the girl portrayed in "Greace" the movie. This helped me think about how i was going to 

play my character because I didn't feel obliged to play the goodie two shoes shown in the 


When thinking about what my accent and voice is going to be like I tried to look for actresses 

i could study that would have a similar voices. One that i found is Rachel Berry...

It's a high pitched annoying voice that suits my character perfectly. I also think my movement will be quite similar, moving almost all the time, quite fidgerty with a lot of sharp movements from place to place when she gets excited. Shes quite an attention seeking character just like Patty Simcox in Greace.

I literally despise what this patty simcox acts like, it looks way to over the top and fake.