Thursday, 25 October 2012

Singing workshop

We started of by lying on the floor doing deep breathing

stage and costume designs for snow queen

On this blog i will be writing, publishing pictures and analysing my work.

The first week i made flowers out of random bits of material. At first i didn't know how i could make the flowers and i had a couple of attempts but they all either fell apart or looked more like lots of colourful things stuck together rather than flowers.

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Thursday, 18 October 2012

third lesson - musical theatre


second lesson - musical theatre

Using six senses

original fairy tales using six sense and addapting

first lesson - musical theatre

Making up fairy tales-

  • We were split into 3 groups.
  • we began by choosing a location and our group chose a forest

Singing skills with Lena

This blog is looking at all things you should do to help improve your singing, such as posture, breathing and muscle control.

This is an explanation of how you should be standing before and during singing...

  • The chin should be about parallel to the floor.
  • Shoulders should be held back and down, with chest held high,
          but not in a strained position.
  • Abdomen should be flat and firm, held in an expandable position.
  • Hands should be relaxed and still at the sides.
  • Knees should be flexibly loose, and never locked.
    • Feet should be slighty apart, one slightly in front of the other. 
         The weight of the body is slightly forward.

    Week leading up to18th october 2012-

    In preparation for this lesson i did diaphragmatic breathing every even. I also practised arpeggios and scales to widen my range.

    18th october lesson-
    • To start we made sure our posture was right
    • we then then practiced arpeggios, scales and vowels (v,e,a,r,oo) which went up by semi-tones
    • we went onto practice dictions uses exercises such; 'claires rare bear snares hare' which help us to pronounce continence and then used, 'Are there bees on you' to practice diction of vowels using a downward arpeggio.
    • we sung 'loo, loo' and 'ma,ma' to get our jaw position in the correct place.
    • then we did some more diction work lead by our classmate matt, where we did the 'boom chicka boom' call and repeat exercise.
    • We also exercised our range going up and down in scales and arpeggios using 'R'.
    • Then our last exercise was to sing in harmony in three parts and i held my own part as the melody doing the highest part which surprised me because i haven't sung properly before and i found out my range is very good.